זומר - ייעוץ ומחקר פסיכולוגי
زومر- الإرشاد والبحث النفسي
Somer – Psychological Counseling and Research

 Who are we?



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Liora Somer, M.A., is a psychotherapist and an art therapist. She is the former chairperson of Trauma and Dissociation Israel (TDIL).

Contact Liora 

eli c 

Eli (Eliezer) Somer, Ph.D., senior clinical psychologist, is Professor Emeritus of Psychology at the University of Haifa. He is past president of both the European Society for Trauma and Dissociation (ESTD) and the International Society for the Study of Trauma and Dissociation (ISSTD). Prof. Somer's main reseasrch activity can be monitired on the website of the International Consortium for Maldapotive Daydreaming Research.
Contact Eli


Eli Somer on Wikipedia


About Us

The psychotherapy and counseling offered at Somer – Psychotherapy and Psychological Research are based on updated scientific evidence and a wealth of accrued experience. Our main research and clinical interests relate to the wider area of psychological stress ranging between performance anxieties (such as test anxiety) or occupational stress and deep emotional trauma (such as those caused by war, terror, violence, or sexual abuse).

The clinic offers treatments that are based on our rich experience in the treatment of survivors of child abuse, incest, and rape. Amomg the therapy approaches we offer are psychodyanic, relational aproaches, cognitive-behavioral techniques and expressibe arts therapy. Our team has been at the at forefront of research and practice in the field of dissociative disorders in Israel. 
